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Home to the Raikage's office, this is the largest building and the only building colored blue in the village. Although it may be the largest, it has been renovated to becoming the lowest building in the village, being situated on level ground while all the other buildings rise above it.
One of the best hot springs in the world, Kumo's is fed directly by a stream of magma that runs beneath the surface. The water has a special sea salt enfused in it which not only clenses each bath every hour, but also is said to heal wounds and increase life spans.
Nazo is just inside Kumo's back border. Many Shinobi have ventured into Nazo and have not returned. It is said to be full of rogue Shinobi and dangerous animals. Even though it is just a foggy plain, it is the same size and stature as Konoha's Forest of Death.